The two browse tabs, Category and Locations, provide the ability to browse by product or by location. The browse process allows you to step through a series of displays by continuing to refine their selection until the desired product or location is reached.
Click the Categories tab. Product categories are displayed alphabetically. Continue to make selections until the desired product is reached. Going backwards can be achieved by clicking on the underlined link displayed near the top, or by clicking on the tab itself to go all the way back to the beginning.
Click the Locations tab. Locations are displayed alphabetically. Continue to make selections until the desired location is reached. Going backwards can be achieved by clicking on the underlined link displayed near the top, or by clicking on the tab itself to go all the way back to the beginning.
To start browse over, click the Home (state icon) link to return to the beginning.
The browse results table is sort able. To change the display sort order, click on any underlined column heading.